Embed app - Add block
There are 3 ways to enable to show app on store
Enable app embeds in Shopify's theme editor
If you use Shopify theme editor, to ensure the app function on your website properly, remember to embed the app onto your theme. By doing this, the app will operate as if it's a part of your theme.
Quick deep link
During onboarding, you may find a quick deep link to embed the app on the Home page. If you miss it or cannot find it, you can still access it by navigating to Display & Position > Positioning settings.
Click the Embed App button. This will open the Theme Editor and automatically enable the app.
Remember to click Save to apply the changes.
Go to Shopify Admin:
Click on Online Store.
Choose Customize.
Enable App Embed:
Go to App Embed.
Turn on Omega Estimated Delivery.
Add app block
Quick deep link
We provide a quick deep link to automatically add the app block on the Product page only. If you wish to add it to other pages, you should do so manually or enable App Embeds instead.
Click the Add Block button. This will open the Theme Editor and automatically add the app block to the Product page. You can then move the block to the desired position.
Remember to click Save to apply the changes.
You can add a block manually in Shopify's theme editor. Remember to click Save to apply the changes.
Code snippet
You can insert this code snippet into the custom liquid at the desired position.
Note: If you use Page Builder, you should both Embed App in Shopify’s Theme Editor and Add custom liquid code in Page Builder’s editor.
Last updated