Create estimate rule
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The condition-based rule setup provides flexibility and customization, enabling the creation of multiple EDDs for a country or zip code area, and further refining them for specific products, variants, and other criteria.
To create a rule, navigate to the Rule Setup section. In the Rule List table, select “New Rule” to begin the process.
The setup process consists of three main tabs: Display Conditions, Content, and Advanced Setup.
The Display Conditions tab controls when the rule will be shown. If no conditions are set, the rule will apply to All Products by default.
Once you add conditions, the rule will only appear if the conditions match. You can combine two types of conditions: Item and Location.
Item conditions determine which products, variants, collections, or vendors the rule will apply to.
An item condition is made up of two parts - a trigger and an item type:
Trigger: Choose either Include or Exclude.
Include: The rule will only show for included (or selected) items and won't show for items not in the list.
Exclude: Contrary to "include" trigger, the rule won't show for excluded (or selected) items and still show for items not in the list.
Item type: Choose Products, Variants, Collections, or Vendors.
You can add each condition only once.
You can only use 1 type of trigger at a time (e.g., “Products include” + “Collections include”). Mixing Include and Exclude triggers in the same rule is not allowed (e.g., “Collections include” + “Vendors exclude”) to avoid logical conflicts.
You can make specific products unaffected by Collection or Vendor conditions. This is helpful when you’ve set up an EDD for a collection, but certain products within that collection require a different EDD, which will need to be created in a separate rule, or don't need EDD.
If you use an “Include” condition for Collections or Vendors and add products as exceptions, the rule will show for included collections or vendors but not excepted products.
Similarly, if you use an “Exclude” condition and add products as exceptions, the rule won’t show for excluded collections or vendors, but will still show for excepted products.
Location conditions determine which regions, countries, states/provinces, or zip codes the rule will apply to.
You cannot combine Region or Country conditions with Zip code conditions in the same rule.
Regions, Countries condition allows you to set up a rule for a specific country, multiple countries, or broader geographic regions (e.g., North America, European Union) all at once.
For countries labeled with a “Not in Shopify Markets” badge, it means they aren’t found in your store’s Markets settings. You can still create an EDD rule for these countries, but it’s recommended to add them to your Market settings first to avoid potential customer confusion.
States/Provinces condition requires you to first add a Regions, Countries condition and select only one country. Once a country is chosen, you can then specify states or provinces for that rule.
Zipcode condition allows you to specify either a set of zip codes or a range of zip codes. Only numeric zip codes are accepted. Customers will need to enter a valid zip code in order to view the EDD.
Where you configure the message to be displayed and set the estimated delivery time.
You can enter the name of the delivery method, carrier, or service type.
If you want the rule name to be for internal purposes only, you can deselect the option to “Show this rule name on store,” ensuring it won’t be visible to customers.
Where you configure the estimated preparation and delivery times to be reflected on Message text. All the days are calculated from the order received date:
Minimum preparation days
Maximum preparation days
Minimum delivery days
Maximum delivery days
All fields need to be filled in with whole numbers (0, 1, 2, ...).
To have a reasonable timeline, maximum days should be equal or greater than minimum days.
When the minimum value is set equal to the maximum value, it eliminates the date range, resulting in only a single date being displayed for the preparation and delivery stages (see Example Case 2).
When you receive an order from a customer, your production and dispatch process typically takes approximately 2-4 days. Following this, delivery can begin within 5-7 days from the time the order was received. To show this, your setup should be as follows:
Minimum preparation days: 2
Maximum preparation days: 4
Minimum delivery days: 5
Maximum delivery days: 7
This will reflect on both estimated text and timeline graphics, ensuring your customers have accurate expectations for when they will receive their orders.
You can display the estimated date on the ETA banner by adding variables to the estimated text fields. Make sure to type these variables correctly and enclose them in curly brackets { } for accurate display:
{TimeCountDown}: Countdown timer
{delivery_min}: Minimum date of delivery
{delivery_max}: Maximum date of delivery
{prep_min}: Minimum date of preparation
{prep_max}: Maximum date of preparation
{country}: Name of country
{flag}: Flag of country
If you want to change the text style of these variables, like making them bold or changing their colors, ensure you select the entire variable, including the curly brackets, before applying these style changes.
To change date format, go to Appearance > Date appearance.
Tooltip provides additional information in the form of a small pop-up, which can be used to include links to your shipping policy or any relevant notes for the customer. This helps clarify important details without cluttering the main message.
This allows for further customization of how the rule is displayed on the Cart and Checkout pages, as well as handling out-of-stock products.
Enable this option to display the rule on the cart and checkout pages for applicable items.
You can choose between two text options:
Message Text: Displays the message starting from the first date variable. Any text before the first date variable will not appear.
Customize Text: Allows you to create a custom message specifically for the Cart/Checkout page.
This option is extremely helpful when you use together with Continue selling when out of stock for products.
By default, the message is hidden when products are out of stock. You can enable this option to continue showing the message or customize it to provide details about restock times, pre-orders, etc. You can choose to use either the Message Text or Customize Text options for out-of-stock products.
You can create multiple rules combining item and location conditions to tailor content. For instance, a product may be in stock in Belgium but out of stock in Australia. You can inform Australian customers of restock times to reassure them.